Residential water heaters in california must be ultra low nox all other states require standard models.
California low nox water heater requirements.
As of october 1 2019 any furnace must meet the new ultra low nox requirement.
The south coast air quality management district scaqmd and san joaquin air pollution control district sjapcd are responsible for ensuring air quality standards meet or exceed state and federal regulations and they actively enforce these emission requirements.
To successfully can read the map very easily print the pulling on.
The ultra low nox requirements california map of the variation is widely available.
These amendments establish lower nox emission limits for water heaters sold and or installed in sacramento county.
Beginning on october 1 2019 condensing and non condensing furnaces sold or supplied within the boundaries of the south coast air quality management district must comply with a nox emission limit of 14ng j.
The difference between low nox and ultra low nox is determined by local epa standards and based on the type of heating equipment.
California s south coast air quality management district scaqmd and the san joaquin valley air pollution control district sjvapcd introduced ultra low nox rule 1111 and rule 4905 respectively which require nox emissions of less than 14 nanograms per joule.
They are designed to comply with regulations in certain air quality districts in california and were sold primarily in california.
Low nox commercial water heaters are required in texas and ultra low nox water heaters are required in most of california.
On march 25 2010 the sac metro air district board of directors approved amendments to rule 414 water heaters boilers and process heaters rated less than 1 000 000 btu per hour.
Furnaces offered for sale supplied sold or installed must emit less than 14 nanograms per joule of nox.
Westinghouse 11 gpm ultra low nox natural gas condensing high efficiency outdoor tankless water heater ultra low nox requirements california map source image.
Our low nox solution.
As of january 1 2011 a person shall only distribute offer for sale sell or install a water heater boiler or process heater with certified nox and co emissions less than or equal to rule 414 limits.
This recall includes 30 40 and 50 gallon natural or propane gas fired ultra low nox emission gas water heaters.
Ultra low nox compliance advisory for homeowners in california.
October 28 2019 blog.
Much of southern california and the san joaquin valley require pool heaters to meet low nitrogen oxide nox emission standards.
Ultra low nox emissions standards are required in these california air quality management districts.
It means that all furnaces installed as of october 2019 must meet 65 lower nox emissions from 40 to 14 nanograms joule or less.
Because of the long standing problems our city has had with smog the requirements are especially stringent.
Up until october if you have a furnace installed that does not meet this new requirement you must pay a fee which ranges from 225 to 400.
Bay area aqmd reg 9 rule 6 sacramento metropolitan aqmd rule 411.
Install a zero emission heat pump.