On the other hand beam radiation has had several hurdles to overcome.
Calypso radiation therapy prostate cancer side effects.
Mild to moderate urinary problems and mild fatigue for 1 2 months.
Advantages of beam radiation include noninvasive and low risk of short term side effects fatigue bowel irritation sexual dysfunction.
Radiation therapy has side effects because it not only kills or slows the growth of cancer cells it can also affect nearby healthy cells.
Risk of late onset 3 years after treatment urinary sexual and bowel side effects.
Learn more about possible side effects.
Before external radiation with the calypso system.
It may peel or become moist and tender.
We were the first center in oregon with calypso radiation therapy a system that tracks the exact location of your prostate.
The calypso 4d localization system uses real time tumor tracking to keep external radiation focused on the tumor and not surrounding healthy tissue thereby minimizing side effects such as incontinence and erectile dysfunction.
Advantages also include better expected outcomes because high doses can be delivered safely.
Get the free prostate cancer patient guide now with covid 19appendix.
Side effects during after treatment.
The calypso system also called gps for the body directs focused therapy to your prostate while sparing healthy tissue.
Resume normal activity immediately after treatment.
A study of 64 patients who used the calypso system to track their prostate tumors in real time during radiation sessions had fewer bowel related side effects like diarrhea as well as less urinary.
This can lead to diarrhea sometimes with blood in the stool and rectal leakage.
Since radiation treatment with calypso keeps the targeted area smaller patients benefit from decreased side effects such as irritation to the bowel or bladder area or sexual dysfunction.
Joel finished his treatment plan about six months ago.
Your skin may become red swollen warm and sensitive as if you have a sunburn.
Radiation can irritate the rectum and cause a condition called radiation proctitis.
Some of the side effects from ebrt are the same as those from surgery while others are different.
Other side effects depend on the part of the body that is being treated.
Many people who get radiation therapy experience fatigue.
Radiation side effects prostate cancer foundation because the prostate is close to several vital structures radiation therapy can disrupt normal urinary bowel and sexual functioning.