The crankshaft position sensor monitors the position and speed of the crankshaft and other parameters that play an important role when starting the engine.
Camshaft sensor crank no start.
A timing belt or chain link the camshaft to the crankshaft which is how the camshaft gets its drive.
Ultimately the juddering can affect the engine power and mess with the recording of mileage.
Crankshaft position sensor symptoms crankshaft positio.
If the other problems are ignored eventually the vehicle will not start.
The camshaft position sensor gathers information about the vehicle s camshaft speed and sends it to the vehicle s engine control module ecm the ecm uses this data to determine the timing of the ignition as well as the timing of the fuel injection that the engine requires.
A failed sensor means no monitoring for the crankshaft position.
I replaced cam sensor oil sensor and engine coil.
It causes the engine to start vibrating heavily.
Cranks but wont start.
Hi sarah the code points to a problem with the camshaft circuit.
No codes no lights.
As the camshaft position sensor weakens the signal it transmits to the vehicle s ecm also weakens.
Car will crank but not turn over.
Spent all day trying to get it to run even cleaned all connectors and disconnected the battery.
Vehicle will not start.
Was driving when it first cut off and no noise just the oil light before it died.
Without this information the engine would not be able to function properly.
When i drive suddenly car engine of and try start not starting fuel plug crank sensor is working but camft sensor not working because of iwant to kwow that camft sensor is bad engine start not working this my question.