A low voltage condition such as this is may be caused by a fault with the neutral wire.
Can a bad breaker cause low voltage.
A friend suggested a current surge through the wires but my assumption is if there was a current surge the breaker would have tripped or burnt out instead of having a low voltage reading of 102v 105v.
Electrical outlets can wear out the same as any appliance or electrical device.
If we turn the breaker off on again we can use a voltmeter to find 118 volts in all of the bathroom outlets.
One reason an outlet may have low voltage is that it is worn out.
One of my friends suggested that a bad breaker could be the cause but is this really a possibility.
Could it just be the breaker i replaced two months ago was also a bad breaker.
I m doing some rewiring work in the kitchen.
The lights started to dim.
Ask question asked 9 years 4 months ago.
The entire house seemed to be suffering from low voltage despite the electrical wires outside being totally intact.
Voltage tests are made at each outlet that is on the same circuit as the affected outlet.
There were three circuits coming into a junction box that controlled the sink disposal dishwasher a few receptacles and a light.
The issue we re having is an intermittent voltage drop on the outlets in the bathrooms.
Low voltage from circuit bad breaker.
The process explained below will help to identify the location of the faulty wire or a connection is causing the low voltage condition.
Viewed 42k times 5.
Active 2 years 9 months ago.
Low voltage in an outlet can occur for a number of reasons and those reasons usually can be divided into two categories.
Getting any type of electrical equipment seemed to be a big issue.