For dogs or cats with chronic low grade otitis you can do home care consisting of regular cleaning followed by applying coconut oil.
Can i use coconut oil to clean my cat s ears.
Benefits of coconut oil for cats.
Please let me.
You can also use fractionated coconut oil or gently heat the oil.
Keep reading to find out how coconut oil is the cat s pajamas.
Using coconut oil for cats can have multiple benefits says dr.
Externally gardner says coconut oil can help with allergies dry skin itchiness and overall coat health.
Fill an eyedropper with warm virgin coconut oil and put several drops into your ear canal.
The melting point of coconut oil is around 75 f so in summer your oil may be liquid without heating.
We asked some holistic veterinarians all about cats and coconut oil.
From your pocket pug to your cuddly lap cat coconut oil can be useful for grooming your pet reducing itchiness and treating ear infections and even as digestive aid.
Lie down on your side or back.
Your cat usually does a wonderful job at keeping her own ears clean.
Ear mites in cats easy treatment with coconut oil.
Nothing i watched or read said how often so i am guessing it s only once or daily i have not done it again but should i.
Since our cats are indoor ou.
She said it s perfectly safe for cats and more than that it helps with hairball prevention healthy fur and is anti fungal.
So i read and watch videos that say you can kill ear mites and clean a cat s ear using coconut oil i have tried it on my neighbors cat s ears who has ear mites and i am just wondering how often do i have to clean the cat s ears with the coconut oil.
To use coconut oil to clean and remove ear mites in cats first make sure your oil is in liquid form.
If your dog or cat has any ear inflammation at all it s best to see your vet for a proper diagnosis.
This will detach the wax and cause it to exit by itself.
I also use it to give one fussy cat his medicine.
In this video we clean the ears of one of our kitties zoro with all natural coconut oil instead of commercial ear mite killer.
Move your jaw around to work the vco down into the canal.
These are some of the reasons why you should choose to use coconut oil for treating your dog s infection.
However it must be noted that your cats may at times need a little assistance in cleaning her ears it is also a highly recommended that you often check your cat s ears to look for anything worrisome hiding inside the ears.
Anna gardner a holistic veterinarian in washington.
Her grooming habits are so thorough that she may even clean behind and in the inner flap of her ears.
Cleaning by using cotton buds and your hands can be ineffective and may worsen the disease.
Coconut oil does this safely and naturally because it contains medium chain fatty acids mcfa just like sebum.
Why use coconut oil for dog ear infections instead of other remedies.