Paint asphalt shingles to extend their life and give your roof a makeover.
Can roof shingles be painted.
Each time the roof will need to be cleaned and repaired then primed and painted.
Roof shingles can be painted with acrylic exterior paints specifically designed to be used on asphalt shingles.
After you paint the asphalt shingles they must be touched up and repainted to remain in good condition.
Painted shingles have to be re painted every six years or so due to wear they re more susceptible to moisture damage.
First you do not want to use roofing shingle paint as a substitute for real roofing work if there is something wrong with your roof.
The majority of experts advise against painting roof shingles however because of the issues that can arise.
Second don t rely on paint to extend the lifespan of your roof.
Before you paint we would suggest getting a full roofing inspection completed so weak spots and trouble spots can be addressed and repaired.
Your choice of paint color can influence the insulation that your roof is providing.
Then your paint will be more effective overall and we won t have to rip up pieces of your pretty new paint job to fix a problem later.
Painting can trap condensation below the outer coating of your shingles which can create mold and damage the surface of your roof.
Some experts advise homeowners to avoid elastomeric roofing paints especially on wood surfaces as this paint can exacerbate moisture and mold damage.
Painting shingles is a not a common practice that professional roofers endorse so if you re in the market for a new roof consider other roofing options before turning to a painting.
Unpainted shingles can look good for 20 years or more with only minimal maintenance.
Instead of replacing your asphalt shingles to give your home a new look you can paint them with acrylic paint.
Painting roof shingles is a definite possibility for those who want to spruce up the appearance of their home or even want a little change.
Painting the asphalt shingles will cost less than replacing them but it will not be a permanent fix.
Benefits of painting shingles people who are not well versed with roofing will think that painting roofs are purely aesthetic in nature but in reality this can help extend the lifespan of your shingles and your roof in general.
Painted shingles on the other hand start showing wear much faster and usually need re painting once every five to seven years.