I mean there s nothing they could do to stop you but if the mattress they provide you isn t in your room at the end of the year they will charge you the replacement fee.
Can you bring your own mattress to uni.
If you have dust mites allergies it will keep you protected while creating a clean slate for your fresh bedding.
For the most bang for your buck get one that s bed bug resistant.
It is not weird dear i m keeping.
Twin xl mattress cover.
Twin xl mattress pad or foam topper.
I don t buy your own memory foam mattress topper.
A memory foam mattress pad cheaper and easier to transport than a real mattress will make any bed unbelievably comfortable.
You can bring your own mattress quite a few people in my halls this year did just that.
One of the least pleasant aspects of living in campus housing is sleeping on the often uncomfortable mattress your school provides you with.
Luckily there are things you can do to finesse your dorm room mattress.
That s why you ll want to bring your own form of extra.
Most schools suggest the following.
Certificate n they will allow you.
You show the valid reason the college authority with doc.