The density difference between propane and natural gas means that propane gas appliances such as furnaces and ranges must be converted to handle the lighter natural gas.
Can you convert a natural gas water heater to propane.
Conversion involves replacing the propane regulators and orifices in the appliance with ones designed for natural gas.
It is possible for a natural gas water tank to be converted to propane.
Conversion kits are available for many gas appliances but the actual conversion work should be done by a licensed installer.
Please have your installer or service provider call us at 1 800 621 9419 to find out if your model qualifies and to obtain a detailed step by step conversion instruction kit.
Some propane appliances such as water heaters cannot be converted and must be.
The biggest sticking point is that natural gas is kept at a lower pressure and some appliances can t handle the higher pressure of propane even with adjustments.
The water heater must be labeled as convertible and only a licensed gas technician should convert the appliance.
Some units can be converted and some cannot.
Propane gas has a higher energy content than natural gas and will burn hotter.
You will want to check the coding for your appliance to make sure that the conversion is possible.
If the unit can be converted the manufacturer will have a conversion kit with all the necessary items to accomplish the work.
Rinnai offers a limited field conversion program.
You can convert some appliances but others are designed to burn only natural gas.
Most but not all appliances can be converted from natural gas to propane.
On top of that you want to do it correctly and to manfacturer specs.
Kits for converting gas tankless water heaters from natural gas to propane or vice versa are available for most models.
Always check with the heater manufacturer.
You can convert the water heater to propane but it will require replacing the burner jets.