You will learn as much as your child once you find the system of learning that works most efficiently for you and your little genius.
Can you make your baby into a genius.
Instead of worrying about filling your baby s brain with information concentrate on building a nurturing relationship he says.
You might be craving a milkshake or corn chips but your baby is craving real nutrition.
Typically if your child is cruising around before that nine month milestone this could be a sign your baby is a genius.
If the answer to the above questions is yes it indicates that your baby is reaching milestones earlier than his her peers and you have a genius growing up in your home.
Broadly speaking there are two types of parents.
At ingenious baby we believe that there is a genius in every baby.
However if you re fortunate and your baby is one of those individuals with extraordinary skills and unimaginable intelligence he will begin to show some signs early in life especially infancy.
Your persistence and your child s ability to go the distance will make or break the process.
The early training and education provided by public education or private sources alone will not develop your child into a genius.
Crucial early childhood learning everything from social skills.
One advantage of running a school is that i get to learn about how different parenting styles impact children by observation.
But you can get them very close to being one.
Jumpstart that baby brainpower from the very beginning.
To help parents discover this we share the latest research studies and information related to early childhood learning and development.
A child may be born with exceptional abilities but it doesn t mean they will become a genius adult.
Setting out to raise a genius is the last thing we d advise any parent to do says.
First off if you want your kid to fulfill their potential you really really shouldn t try to raise a genius.
As parents all we need to do is unlock their hidden potential by giving them every opportunity to grow into the genius they are already.
If you re under the impression your baby is on the genius track watch for other small or large muscle skills such as grasping or smiling.
Gifted babies are more than happy in their own company playing with toys colouring books or solving puzzles.
The vitamins that you ll find in healthy foods can support your baby s brain development more than junk food.
Prefer to be alone.
New research suggests there s plenty parents can do to boost their baby s intellectual potential from birth and even earlier.