As long as the rest of your driveway is sound no heaving sinking or crumbling you can.
Can you repair cracks in concrete driveway.
While unsightly these cracks in a concrete driveway do not indicate underlying structural problems.
When you learn how to repair cracks in a concrete driveway you may be able to prevent bigger problems.
Caulking the joints and cracks is the best way to stop this from happening.
Fortunately repairing a concrete driveway is a simple and relatively inexpensive diy project.
A standard concrete mix that contains gravel works best for patching large or deep areas.
Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes.
Be sure to clean out the cracks out as well removing any dirt or loose concrete so the patching material will adhere to the concrete.
A mixing paddle chucked in a drill makes preparing the patching material easy.
Concrete driveways can crack for many reasons including repeated freezing and thawing heavy loads and tree roots.
It s a good idea to wear rubber gloves when handling concrete fillers mixers and resurfacers.
Next mix up enough quikrete concrete resurfacerwith water in a five gallon bucket to fill the cracks.
Cracks can usually be filled and repaired if the rest of the driveway is in good shape and it was installed properly in the first place.
Sand mix or concrete resurfacer which do not contain gravel may be used if the area to be repaired is not large or deep.