Sharing the bed with your baby multiplies the risk for sudden infant death syndrome sids fivefold according to a 2013 study.
Can you sleep with your baby in bed.
Your bed mattress should be firm flat and clean.
Avoid co sleeping on feather beds air mattresses and waterbeds.
The american academy of pediatrics cites the dangers of sids and.
Every family should be informed about what they can do to maximize safety even telling parents if you sleep with your baby make sure the adult in the bed is aware the baby is there.
About 3 600 babies in this country die unexpectedly every year while sleeping and the reasons are often related to sudden infant death syndrome sids suffocation entrapment or strangulation with blankets increasing the risk of all four.
You should never sleep on the couch or on a waterbed with your baby.
In short no because blankets can be a hazard in the crib.
You should avoid overheating for your baby dress them lightly when they sleep with you and do not use huge blankets to cover them.
Sheets and light blankets are usually sufficient to keep you and your baby warm.
If you find that your child likes to rock and roll around their bed during the night a sleep sack or footed pajamas may be safer than a blanket until they.
And no matter where your baby sleeps it s imperative to eliminate what the cps calls potent risk factors for sids tummy sleeping and exposure to second hand smoke.
Accidental suffocation or strangulation can happen when a baby is sleeping in an adult bed or other unsafe sleep surfaces.
Make sure each adult internalizes that he or she must be aware of the baby even in their sleep like saying to yourself baby in bed.
Co sleeping is often thought to be synonymous with bed sharing aka letting baby sleep in the same bed with you.
And doing that gets the american academy of pediatrics aap seal of approval.
Babies should sleep on a firm mattress never on a waterbed air mattress couch recliner or padded chair.
Soft and sagging mattresses may cause your baby to overheat or suffocate.
Education on safe sleep.
The mattress should fit the bed frame snugly with no gaps between the mattress and headboard frame or wall.
Small children can be active sleepers.
Sharing a room with your baby is much safer than bed sharing and may decrease the risk of sids by as much as 50.
But co sleeping can also mean simply putting baby to sleep in the same room as you but in a separate bed.