One of the main reasons i bought a sodablasting out fit was to do furniture my wife dose up antique furniture as a hobby she use to get them stripped with costic soda but all the places doing this type of work closed down mainly because they were all dying from the chemicals so i saw an opening for this work and the people selling my equipment said strip furniture yes mate no worries wrong.
Can you soda blast wood furniture.
Sealing the wood with sweet pickins top coat which can be found here.
We are using a harbor freight soda blaster to take this old dresser down to raw wood.
Does soda blasting damage wood.
As mentioned sandblasting is a process that can help in refinishing of the wood pieces by successfully stripping the paint or stain.
Before you begin soda blasting wood furniture you ll want to know if the process is going to damage the underlying wood or not.
The fact is that it s very common using sandblasting equipment in finishing wooden pieces like doors and windows.
It s very unusual to encounter issues at crannies or corners.
Yes you can sandblast wood.
According to experts the most important factor is the amount of pressure you use.
When it s done correctly soda blasting should not harm the wood surface you re working on.