In stage ii cancer has spread to the muscle wall of the bladder.
Cancer outside the bladder wall.
Blood in urine hematuria which may cause urine to appear bright red or cola colored though sometimes the urine appears normal and blood is.
Cancer has spread to the bladder wall.
But my daughter saw a urologist who did a blue light cystoscopy which showed 2 spots on the inside of the bladder which were not muscle invasive.
Cancer has reached the muscle of the bladder wall.
For patients with metastatic disease at presentation or those in which bladder cancer cells are present outside the bladder wall or in lymph nodes during radical cystectomy systemic usually intravenous chemotherapy is the treatment of choice.
A bone scan can help show if bladder cancer has spread to the bones.
Cancer is through the bladder wall and into surrounding tissue.
The surgeon was 100 sure his words that he got it all.
It can help show the size of a bladder cancer and if it has spread.
Bladder cancer signs and symptoms may include.
Cancer occurs in the bladders inner lining but not to muscular bladder wall stage ii.
Although urothelial carcinomas bladder cancers always start at the inner lining of the bladder as they grow they can burrow deeper and enlarge within or through the wall of the bladder while not increasing in size within the cavity of the bladder.
Mri scans can be very helpful in finding cancer that has spread outside the bladder.
Cancer has spread to fatty tissue around the bladder and possibly certain.
In stage iv the cancer has metastasized from the bladder to the lymph nodes or to other organs or bones.
Stages ii to iv denote invasive cancer.
This test is not done unless you have bone pain.
It was a small cell carcinoma.
Cancer invades the muscular bladder wall but goes no further stage iii.
M metastasized doctors use this to describe whether the disease has spread into organs or lymph nodes that.
Bladder cancers tumors are staged from stage i through stage iv.
During the surgery the surgeon saw a spot on the outside of her bladder so he removed it and biopsied it.