An anthology of gothic horror is very misleading.
Candle in the attic window.
Candle in the attic window by silvia moreno garcia editor paula r stiles editor starting at 113 29.
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The title of this book candle in the attic window.
The title of this book candle in the attic window.
An anthology of gothic horror.
Candle in the attic window has 1 available editions to buy at half price books marketplace same low prices bigger selection more fun.
In the introduction the editors explain it is an anthology featuring some of the classic gothic themes as interpreted by modern writers the aim of the anthology is not to reproduce exactly the gothic fiction of yore but to bring a new spin to it.
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The title of this book candle in the attic window.
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In the introduction the editors explain it is an anthology featuring some of the classic gothic themes as interpreted by modern writers the aim of the anthology is not to reproduce exactly the gothic fiction of yore but to bring a new spin to it.
An anthology of gothic horror is very misleading.