It works through a sequence of events in a fairly simple process.
Car air conditioner compressor vs condenser.
The refrigerant enters the condenser as a high pressure high temperature gas and leaves as a liquid.
In the cabin of your vehicle when you press the ac button the air compressor immediately kicks on.
Compressors and condensers are two different components of an hvac system that perform different functions altogether.
Ac compressor is an important part in the car s air conditioning system.
In simple terms an ac compressor is a pump which creates the heat by putting the air conditioning refrigerant under extremely high pressure.
In the words of many repairmen an ac compressor is the heart of an ac system.
What does an air compressor do for your car.
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Without those two parts your car s air conditioning system would never pump out cold dry air.
There are four kinds of compressors used in air conditioning units.
They re processing the exact same thing.
Compressor as the name states compresses or increases the pressure of a refrigerant and sends it down to the condenser coils.
The condenser in its turn cools down hot gas like refrigerant and condenses it as the name states again back into a liquid state.
Many times if the compressor is thought to be bad it turn out not to be the issue.
There are many pieces to the puzzle of equipment that is the car air conditioner but one vital component of your vehicle s cool air system is the air conditioning condenser.
Ac compressors only accept and compress the refrigerant in gas form from super heated refrigerant.
Although they process the same thing that is the refrigerant perform different jobs.
In a nutshell the compressor compresses and the condenser condenses.
A clogged cabin air filter can cause a similar problem as clogged or damaged condenser as it can reduce the efficiency of the ac system to a point where the compressor is pumping liquid refrigerant.
First the refrigerant flows through the condenser which removes any heat.
As their names suggest the compressor compresses the gas and the condenser condenses it.
An air conditioner compressor is one of the main components of the unit.
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When the refrigerant is turned back into gas its an endothermic reaction meaning heat is drawn from the air.