Material such as boards or shingles used for surfacing the outside walls of a frame building.
Car siding definition.
I have seen it in either 6 or 8 widths and.
Siding synonyms siding pronunciation siding translation english dictionary definition of siding.
Car siding is a tongue in groove board some times cedar some times pine with some decorative v cuts that adds some definition to the siding.
Siding definition is the taking of sides.
A short section of railroad track connected by.
A siding in rail terminology is a low speed track section distinct from a running line or through route such as a main line or branch line or spur.
Sidings often have lighter rails meant for lower speed or less heavy traffic and few if any signals.
It s when siding is installed by putting nails through the face of the siding exposing the nails rather than hiding them.
It may connect to through track or to other sidings at either end.
Fascia or fascia board is a board that runs horizontally and covers the joint or intersection of the top of an exterior wall and the overhanging lower edge of a roof.
Material such as boards or metal or plastic pieces forming the exposed surface of outside walls of frame buildings.