If still tension on spring then unwind spring counting number of turns.
Carefree awning problems.
If lock arm base and lock cam is worn replace or repair.
The owners manual warns against wind and rain but even small amounts will stress this awning to breakage.
Remove end cap rivets and slid spring assy out.
Carefree website fabric pictures do not match what you receive when you order.
Electric awning needs a recall.
If it works off of independent power then it s the wiring or the switch.
Trash product trash company.
Lastly it could be the gears in the motor housing.
There can be an obstruction in the arms or rust build up on the strut.
Usually the clicking are the gears skipping.
Remove the wire and get it replaced.
If it did show 12 v then that means the awning wiring is fine and the issue lies with the motor.
It is the first pole kit to accommodate both box awnings and awnings with roll bars making it versatile as it will fit carefree and competitive brand awnings as well.
If independent power does not turn it on then you have a failed nbsp carefree motor and it will need replacing.
If spring is under tension apply slight pressure and hold while removing the quarter inch bolt holding end cap to awning arm.
Check your owners manual for instructions on manually retracting your awning until you have received the necessary replacement parts nbsp.
The hd awning stabiliz r is a new heavy duty version of the awning stabiliz r pole kit and provides vertical support to your awning.
If this is hard to do it could be the strut.
An rver asks gary bunzer the rv doctor why the awning on his recreational vehicle will not retract evenly and what he can do to f.
If it does not then the problem lies with the awning wiring.
The awning arm broke due to a small rain that ordinary manual awnings such as we had on our previous trailer would have easily handled.