Damage to the.
Carpet deposit apartment lease 5 years california.
When you lease an apartment or house you usually are required by the landlord to pay a security deposit.
California law gives you certain rights as a tenant.
5 reasons california landlords can keep a tenant s security in california a landlord may be able to keep all or a portion of a tenant s security deposit for the following reasons.
You may even provide your tenant with a cleaning guide that details your expectations.
One common method of calculating the deduction for replacement prorates the total cost of replacement so that the tenant pays only for the remaining useful life of the item that the tenant has damaged or.
If you expect tenant s to clean the unit prior to the move out date be sure to state this requirement in the lease.
Carpet if you prefer to.
Tenant defaults on rent payment.
California tenant deposit rights.
When you ve rented an apartment or home for a number of years your painted walls and carpet will wear out.
A security deposit is intended to be used by the landlord to do repairs on the.
Apartment carpet sometimes has 5 year life really cheap and usual is 7 years.
For instance an inordinate amount of pet hair or a urine smell left in the carpet would be beyond normal wear and tear as these are avoidable conditions and beyond normal use.
Lease language california civil code 1950 5 allows landlords to use the security deposit to repair replace or restore personal property only if the rental agreement specifically authorizes this application.
In contrast large rips or indelible stains justify a deduction from the tenant s security deposit for repairing the carpet or drapes or replacing them if that is reasonably necessary.
A good rule of thumb is if a condition was caused by the tenant s own neglect misuse or abuse and not from just using or living in the premises it will likely be considered a damage that the tenant will be.
Can a landlord charge me for new carpet new paint when i lived there for 10 years.
If the carpet originally cost 1 000 and had a life expectancy of 10 years the depreciation charge would be 100 per year.
Thus if the tenant s damage cheated three years out of the carpets life the landlord under california law.