The carpet eel blenny is not really an eel or a blenny.
Carpet eel blenny.
The carpet eel blenny preys on small fish crabs and shrimps.
Its common names include eared eel blenny and green wolf eel.
In fact it s a dottyback.
It usually hunts alone.
It requires a 125 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of hiding places.
A carpet eel blenny congrogadus subducens is also called a wolf eel but it is neither an eel nor a blenny.
Although large the carpet eel blenny is not eaten by people.
Carpet eel blenny congrogadus subducens richardson pseudochromidae elongate eel like body large lips tail fin joined to rear ends of dorsal and anal fins head and body olive green with pale mottles.
Its body is a brownish color with highlights of green.
The wolf eel is often referred to as a blenny.
Carpet eel blennies lay their eggs in small clumps.
It requires a 50 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of hiding places.
The aquarium should have a tight fitting lid to prevent escape.
Its body is a brownish color with highlights of green.
Its common names include carpet eel blenny eared eel blenny and green wolf eel.
On reefs and seagrass areas benthic solitary carnivorous.
Wolf eel congrogadus subducens is also known as carpet eel blenny eared eel blenny green wolf eel.
It is a pseudochromid dottyback.
However it is a pseudochromid dottyback.