The measure sponsored by democratic assemblyman troy singleton was passed monday by a 43 10 vote with 12 abs.
Cat declawing law in nj.
Nj lawmakers revisiting ban on declawing cats david levinsky burlington county times 2 24 2020 an idaho pastor skeptical of masks lands in the icu for covid 19.
Legislation to prohibit cat declawing in new jersey has been approved by the assembly.
Veterinarians divided over n j.
This law passed in new jersey s assembly but still has to pass in the senate.
In many countries the practice of declawing cats for nonmedical reasons has been illegal under their animal cruelty laws.
This state has an admirable history of implementing policies for the humane treatment of cats.
This relationship is the basis of veterinary care.
Additionally because scratching is an instinctual need once a declawed cat can no longer fulfill the urge it can cause temperamental issues.
Now it s time.
The state of new jersey in the united states has passed a law forbidding the declawing of cats.
Troy singleton d burlington the bill sponsor said in a.
In response to the criticism of the procedure a new law in new jersey now bans the procedure in all instances except when medically necessary.
International bans on declawing cats.
But some veterinarians say the.
Cat claw bill new jersey could be the first state to ban veterinarians from declawing cats.
In 2011 israel amended the law against cruelty to animals to include a ban on the practice of declawing.
Making the declawing procedure illegal is not just a hot topic in the us.
Now new jersey has the chance to be the second state in the nation to ban declawing.
In a landmark moment a bill sponsored by senator troy singleton was ratified by the senate economic growth committee.
Some veterinary professionals oppose anti declaw laws because it takes the decision outside the veterinarian client patient relationship.
Veterinary professionals recognize that there may be times declaw surgery is the only remaining option to keep a cat in its current home.