Note that the boxes need to be in totally different places.
Cat litter box next to toilet.
We recommend putting litter boxes in the hallway or the top of a staircase.
Otherwise one cat may attempt to guard and own all the toilets and keep the other cat away.
This means that if you have two cats you should provide three litter boxes.
I do not recommend more than 2 cats per toilet.
The budget friendly petsafe simply clean automatic litter box is ideal for smaller cats up to 15 pounds although it should be left unplugged for kittens less than 6 months old.
These locations are convenient safe and light enough for your felines to urinate and defecate comfortably.
So the cat gets in position but the rear end is hanging over the edge and the stool or urine ends up on the floor next to the box.
Blend the precious cat litter attractant in with the litter to send the message to your cats that the toilet is their new litter box check the toilet and flush all urine and poop at least twice a day if you have 1 toilet shared with 2 cats.
Many of our cats are obese and have a tough time tucking enough to have their rear in the right place.
It uses vast amounts of energy to mine and costs more to transport than it s worth.
However if someone in the home shuts out the cat by closing the bathroom door it may prompt the animal to do her business somewhere else.
In general litter boxes with five to seven inch sides are fine for most cats.
However if yours has bad aim or tends to kick litter around you may need an option with taller sides or even a cover which will save you the hassle of cleaning up litter and pee off the floor.
Allow him several days or even a week to become accustomed to the new location.
A rule of thumb is that litter boxes should be in spots where cats can find privacy peace and convenience.
Adwcdy cat litter box top in cat feces basin fully enclosed cat toilet deodorant and splash proof cat supplies double doors with drawers gentleman gray 105 92 105.
Litter boxes need to be 1 times the length of the cat s body and about 3 times as wide as the cat.
Cat litter pollutes landfills with about 8 billion pounds of non biodegradable waste a year.
The optimal number of litter boxes is one for each cat plus one more.
Over the course of a week or two elevate the litter box a few inches at a time until it is the height of the toilet seat.